Wednesday, May 27, 2009

W.E.X entry #3

Advice, 05/20/09

"Be honest with yourself", said my mom as she paused the t.v.
"Out of all the advice you have given me before, why is this piece the most important?", I inquired.
"Because being honest with yourself truly gets you places. You cannot live your life without being honest with yourself. You have to stop and think, am I doing what makes me happy or what I think is expected of me?
"You have to be there for yourself, because in the end or at some point in life, you aren't going to matter to anyone else". I could see the truth in her eyes as the smell of my grandmother's cooking flew through the air. It smelled somewhat sweet; like sugar added to something bitter, maybe a lemon.
"Thank you", I told her.
"Your welcome, now go improvise with what i have given you and let me get back to watching CSI, you stopped me right at the good part.", she said impatiently but kindly.
"Alright, but it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. The whole giving me advice thing.", i replied.
"You're right, and I am glad I have advice to share with you, but you should have asked me after the show."
"Well, i'm glad you're being honest", I replied.

W.E.X. entry #2

Judging, 05/14/09

As she walked in, she was walking with confidence. She looked a bit bored, as she sat quietly around people she didn't know. I could see in her eyes that she might be wondering about the type of people that are around her. Like, "what's their story?". [I did not know if i was right, but it seemed that way]. As 1st period ended, we finally were switching classes. As she approached the door i decided to introduce myself. She seemed like a friendly person, so i could not find the harm in doing so. She also seemed like an open minded person. As she came closer i asked, "Hey, what's your name?"
"Sonora, what's yours?", she replied.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

W.E.X entry #1

Job, 05/05/09

"Your job and your child's job". That is what the poster read as I walked by. At first I didn't really think deeply about it. I mean, it made sense, that is what is, "keeping us going". "But then it came to me, like there was a light bulb above my head that suddenly just turned on. "It's a cycle", I thought. In order to survive here, everyone has to go through that cycle. That same cycle whether you attend UCLA or a small college in Georgetown, whether you become a psychologist or a carpenter. Then I thought about the word "child", I mean it was hung up near an elementary school, but those were not the only people who could view it. As I was walking, I missed a step and tripped over my foot, then it hit me! Ishmael says that school is just there to keep more competition out of the job market; but what did they mean by the poster. Were they trying to get across that those are the steps? Maybe they were trying to inspire the kids. At their ages, they want to be like their parents. All I could think about was that poster, but once I arrived at the park for the Cinco De Mayo celebration my thoughts disappeared and I was in awe. I became flabbergasted when I saw all the pinatas and the little kids running around having a blast. I did not think there would be so many people. From political thoughts, to this cultural celebration; these experiences made it an interesting day.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Making Guacamole

3 avocados
1/2 an onion
1 tomato
1/2 a jalapeno
1 cayenne pepper
1/2 a bunch of cilantro
1 and a 1/2 limes
tablespoon of salt.

Step-by-step directions:

First, wash the perishable ingredients.
Then you need to wrap the cilantro in a wet towel.
Chop the onions, jalapeno, tomato, cayenne pepper, and the cilantro into very small portions.
You then grab a big bowl, and put all the avocados into it (do not discard the seeds of the avocados).
You then add all the ingredients to the avocados
(add the avocado seeds to keep it from getting brown, if desired).
Add the limes and the salt, then mix well.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

This I Believe-Inspiration

Here are three personal essays that have inspired me:

Elie Wiesel- Elie's essay has inspired me because he went through a very personal experience and was able to strongly write about it, and what he believes in.

James- James' essay inspired me because it has a strong connection to an issue that others are debating as well. His essay is strong, and powerful.

Van Jones-Van's essay inspired me because he believes in change, and believed in himself. He not only believes in himself, but he also has a strong believe in his father. He did a great job in making this essay personal and professional.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Inspiring Recipies

Click here to see the Mango-Pomegranate Guacamole recipe.


Click here to see the Pasta with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce recipe.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Three Recipies

1. Salsa


2 cans of stewed tomatoes
12 Cayenne peppers
1 bunch of cilantro
1 bunch of green onions
1 tablespoon of dry oregano
ground pepper


First, blend the peppers with around a quarter of a cup of water.
then add the tomatoes
then, you put that into a bowl
chop the cilantro, the green onions, and the oregano
(it is preferred if you do not use the stem of the green onions)
then add them to the bowl
add a pinch of ground pepper
and a pinch of salt
then stir it well.

2. Rice


2 cups of rice
2 tablespoons of olive oil
4 tablespoons of butter/margarine
3 tablespoons of onions
4 cups of chicken broth
1/2 a bunch of cilantro
1 cup of green povlano peppers


put the oil in a pan
add the butter or margarine
then fry the rice, but do not brown it
chop the onions then add it to the pan
smash the garlic then add it to the pan
add the chicken broth
let it sit there until it begins to boil
meanwhile you can chop the green peppers,
wash the cilantro and chop that as well
then you add the green peppers
add the cilantro to one side of the pan
then let it cook until it is done
you can then remove the cilantro, or leave it in and mix it.
(even if you remove it, the flavor stays with the rice)

3.Guacamole Dip


4 avocados
1/2 of an onion
3 tomatoes
1 bunch of cilantro
2 green Serrano peppers
3 lemons or 4 limes.
(whichever you prefer)


Peel the avocados and cut them into squares
chop the onions and tomatoes into squares as well
chop the cilantro (really fine)
chop the peppers
place everything above into a bowl
add the lemon juice
add salt and pepper (as much as desired)
you then can mix it, mash it & mix it with a spoon and fork, or smash it.